We've come, to keep things moving

Rapid economic changes, new technologies, high customer demands:
ee factor is your reliable constant in a time of change.

Shape the agile future of your company anew.

Our value proposition - comprehensive strategy and management consulting with a focus on agility and digitalization

ee factor. Agile transformation and value-based innovation for your sustainable business success.

Our cross-industry portfolio of services

We live change and transformation. Tangible. Measurable. Together, we develop sustainable structures and create new corporate values for our steakholders.

Realizing potential

We combine human creativity with cross-industry skills to identify new potential for your company.


Our constructive criticism as a milestone in your transformation. With honesty and transparency, we identify challenges in your entire process and company structures and develop individual roadmaps to an agile future of tomorrow.

Finding Solutions

Our strong solution expertise is your greatest asset. Our consultants provide you with customized solutions that are tailored to your user case and that start where your company needs it most. Quickly. Efficiently. Sustainably.

We've come, to keep things moving

4 steps to Success

With our specially developed 4-step model Agile Alignment for Excellence. From strategy to implementation - ee factor as a strong sparring partner in times of transition. Rethink change. Tangible change. Measurable success.

Condition - Status Quo

- What is the current condition
- what are the pressure points?
- what needs to be achieved?

Analysis & evaluation

-"Measure & weigh"
- Use of metrics & agile maturity, models
- What has already been done & what has it achieved?

Training plan including measures

- Discussion of recommended actions
- Creation of a (customized) training plan
- Support to boost performance

Successful & fit thanks to shared commitment

- Implementation monitoring
- Responsibilities are transparent
- Changes based on analysis & evaluations
- Continuous "Inspect & Adapt"
- Full speed ahead!
satisfied customers

from the automobile industry, telecommunications and services, retail, software and IT, public authorities, banks and insurance companies, transportation and logistics, energy sector

Process Optimization

Change management has never been as agile as it is today. Our process optimization measures enable us to exploit up to 92% of potential.


with extensive expertise in a wide range of areas we will develop your path to an economically stable future

Our focus - where expertise works.

A powerful combination of strategy conception, implementation of measures and continuous improvement processes.

Agile transformation. Value-based innovation.

Innovation through iteration. From a vision to the practical version in your company.

Strategy conception.

We plan today for tomorrow's results. ➥

Agile transformation consulting with comprehensive analysis of existing processes. Creation of an agile mindset at all levels of the company.


Because every Scrum-Hit counts. ➥

Consulting and selection of agile frameworks, methods and Scrum practices. Support in solving individual challenges in change and process management.

Continuous improvement processes.

Implementation of metrics and KPIs to measure effectiveness. ➥
Interactive workshops for every level to master the latest Agile and Scrum techniques.

Confident.Bound by values.
Our unique path to agile excellence.

We combine cross-industry know-how from digitalization, change management, agile and scrum and give the expertise personality through our team.

Our Values


We align our actions with our strategy. We work in a focused, prioritized manner and attach great importance to clarity.


We take responsibility for our common goals.
We identify with the decisions we make and strengthen our intrinsic motivation with them.


We welcome conflict, address issues and have the courage to confidently try out new things.


We work with respect for our counterparts and their performance.
We are aware that everyone acts according to their own moral rules and that it is our responsibility to come closer to them


We trust that "I'm ok, you're ok" is the basis of our collaboration. We actively promote openness to new ideas, transparency, self-reflection and a culture of error. We present ourselves with our strengths and our weaknesses.

We are all committed to one thing: Agile excellence at heart.

As diverse as our specialist skills are, our value propositions are bundled into an entire corporate philosophy at ee-factor. This makes us a strong partner in difficult or uncertain times.


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